Snaak Infinity

Infinity in your hands...



..Snaak is made of 64 interlocking cuboid units...



..each unit can move in any of five directions relative to the preceding unit.. so there are up to five to the power of 63 possible snaak configurations.

That’s roughly ten to the power of 44:

1000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000

possible snaak configurations!

...more snaak configurations than atoms in universe!


There are estimated to be ten to the power of 82 atoms in the universe.


..So with just TWO snaaks, you can construct more configurations than there are atoms in the universe!!

(It might take you a while!)


..You can snaak from column to cube from cube back to column; transform from column to eight cubes; and back to column. Goto rod and make pyramid; and back to rod.  

From rod snaak to three interlocking cubes or nine interlocking cubes or eight diamonds; and back to rod.  

From rod, snaak to hypercube or tesseract; and back to rod.

From rod, snaak to square; then fold to fit in your pocket... 



Every snaak is made of 64 interlocking cuboid units. The superperfect number sixty-four is the first whole number that is both a perfect square and a perfect cube.

It makes the 8 units by 8 units square, which is the iconic chess board. It makes the 4 x 4 x 4 units cube. It makes a hollow 4 x 4 x 4 cube with a 2 x 2 x 2 cube. It makes the eight cubes in a row and the eight diamonds, and other awesome snaak shapes - more snaak configurations than atoms in the universe!!!
